The Time is Now

I have a Buddha saying on my wall that says: The trouble is you think you have time.

The older I get the more that phrase makes sense.

It seems like we have endless time do the things we most want in life, but the years go by and those resolutions, goals and plans never transpire.

So, this year you’re really going to do it (write a book, learn Spanish, travel, lose weight…). You start off strong and then you get distracted by a million little things — as if you’re bouncing around like children in a jumpy house.  Add some good old-fashioned procrastination in the mix and you stay stuck.

You fill the void with external pleasures, binge watch a new episode on Netflix, see what’s happening on Facebook, buy another thing on Amazon.  But you don’t feel satisfied because you’re not taking action on your behalf.  Your higher self wants you to go for it…don’t get trapped into a mundane life, she says.  The time is NOW! No more dress rehearsals.

My advice is to listen to your higher self…she knows the truth.

You do have limited time so FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS. Where your attention goes, your energy flows.  If you take one little action NOW, step by step you will get there.  But you have to do it in the creative moment.

Focus on one thing at a time and get absorbed in it. That creates a practice of mindlfulness so whatever you’re doing in the moment is the only thing that matters.  Staying hyper focused relieves boredom, takes you out of procrastination and puts you into a state of flow – where time disappears.

We live in an ADD culture and our minds are swirling with too much information.  We are bombarded from all directions. If we get swept up in it, our higher selves have no chance.  The external noisy world is the winner.  Tune in to your own internal channel, the one that knows what’s best for you.

Happy New Year everyone!  But remember the time is NOW.

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