Self Discovery

looking at city

Don’t waste your money on career coaches that just want you to talk and at the end of the session you end up even more confused than when you started.  I dive into the nitty gritty to get you tangible results.  I use a combination of advanced interviewing techniques, story building, and provide actual documents that represent what it is that you’re after in this important stage of life (resume, cover letter, video, bio, profiles, ebooks).

Anyone can get a certificate to coach, and there are millions out there.  I have a M.A. in Counseling as well as thirty years of real world experience as a news reporter, public relations specialist, video producer and writer.  

Maybe you’re having a hard time figuring out what it is inside of you that wants most to be expressed. We will work through the blocks and issues that keep your creativity stuck. Through self-inquiry and deep level intention setting, we will build your passion step-by-step and get to work on making you the star of your own show.

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