I’m finding my journalism skills are so useful in getting media coverage for my clients. Not only do the connections I’ve made during my reporting years come in handy, I know what these over-worked, deadline driven, no-time-for lunch people are thinking: give me a newsworthy story and don’t waste my time. I too work in Public Relations, but I honestly believe you need both to get the best results. Sometimes writing a pitch to a particular reporter is the best way to get attention, other times, it’s picking up the phone and saying, “hey John, would you be interested in xyz, I’ve got the guy to talk to. You don’t always need an expensive PR team to get the job done, just someone who can cut through the layers and can talk the talk.
I have switched back and from PR to journalism, and I would cringe when a Public Information Officer (PIO) would not see the opportunity to tell a story. My favorite PIO’s were those who understood how reporters operate and made the pitch easy, timely and substantive. They would even give you a good story idea on a slow news day. That’s invaluable as reporters need to come up with ideas on a daily basis.
And finally, I love working with the media as I feel a deep connection to what’s happening at a local, regional and national scene. It’s like breathing air and life into my veins that relish being a relevant part of this world.