
woman with tablet

As a woman who has held several careers I’ve gotten the opportunity to reinvent myself many times (reporter, public relations professional, videographer, and career coach), I can tell you there is a way out of the too old to work trap and to thrive on what you’re passionate about. 

No matter if you’re getting back into the game, wanting to reinvent yourself or just desiring to live a more passion-filled life, the 40+ years are the perfect time to go for it.  What are you waiting for?  

Building from your strengths, skills and talents, we will create a new design for where you want to go. You’ve always known it was inside of you but you were too busy with your day job or the kids. Now it’s time to move your career or job into something that feeds your soul. We will strategize and create a resume and cover letter that will get you to stand out for the next chapter of your life.

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