More Than a Job: Resume Writer Captures Dreams

More Than a Job: Resume Writer Captures Dreams

Often times when a client comes to me they think they just want a resume to get another job.  After I interview them for an hour, I realize they might have a true passion for something else as I see their eyes light up when they explain a certain skill, task or experience. 

At that point It’s not unusual for me to start questioning them about why they liked that experience or activity so much.  How did it make them feel?  Would they like to do more of that in their life?  That’s when I might change course and see what other opportunities might be a better fit.

You see this isn’t a race to get just another okay job (unless you are strapped for cash), it’s about finding the love in what you will be doing, spending your precious time creating work that matters and resonates with your inner core.

I am more than a resume writer, I am a dream catcher and will work with you every step of the way to hone in on what it is that will bring you joy and fulfillment for the next third of your life. 

Where you place your time, attention and effort becomes your life, and wouldn’t you agree a happy life is important? 

Let’s step back and take a look at the bigger picture.  It is possible to do work that feeds your soul rather than watching the clock, bored, uninspired and worst of all feeling like you’re wasting the rest of your precious years. 

So together we find what lights up your soul and craft a resume to fit your new position in the world.  There is a small reality — get a job, and then there is the big reality — find a job where you can use the best of you to make a difference and fill alive.