My Midlife Journey

My Midlife Journey

If you’re like me, you’ve read hundreds, maybe even thousands of self-help books, been to retreats, seminars, workshops, and still you can’t seem to make a change in your life.

I spent so much time searching, reading, asking — always left feeling inspired — but it didn’t last. In a few days or even hours life continued on as business as usual.

I had so many good ideas, so many works in progress. This time it was supposed to happen. And then procrastination would set in, or I got distracted on something else (not important) and all that inspiration went poof, back down into the black hole inside.

I had so much knowledge and information but it was festering at the intellectual level and there it stayed.

I was waiting for something to happen and bored most of the time when nothing was. I was addicted to the externalities of life, being a passive participant instead of the star of my own show.

My transformation/reinvention happened like a burst of light yet it was sitting there waiting for me to wake up. And when I got a taste of living my life based on my inner self, a deep love and appreciation came to me, not from the outside, but from within.

That changed everything. I no longer had to prove I was worthy of being a person in this society, I already was worthy and it had nothing to do with other people’s approval.

This opened me up to a wider perspective and made me trust in myself and a universal intelligence that went beyond my limited mind. It gave me confidence to trust and take action to offer the world the creative expression inside of me. I was ready to reinvent.

This was the pivotal point where I knew I wanted to empower midlife women to get outside their comfort zones, break old habits and not waste any more time.  But it’s not just talking it’s actually doing.  That’s why I offer both practical tools (resume, cover letter, bios, interview coaching) and career coaching.

phase of your life.

Terri Hardesty