The Three A’s 


Action, Attention and Awareness

Action comes before motivation.  If you wait to be inspired you will end up procrastinating.  

Instead take one simple step to set yourself in motion and your creativity will often follow.  It doesn’t matter how much knowledge or intellectual abilities you have if you don’t experience it first hand.  

If you tend to procrastinate like me, give yourself a minimum requirement every day.  For example, I write at least 200 words a day.  I often do more than that, but my brain needs to know that it won’t be overwhelmed.  I can help with getting you into action.

Attention is one of the most important resources we have available to us.  Where your attention goes, your energy flows.  It helps to get clear what are some of the critical elements you want to create in your life.  

Bring your full attention to how to make it happen and don’t get distracted. Many people go through life being busy with things that really don’t improve the quality of their lives.  Your brain is an amazing tool when you can get it to focus on what really matters.  You be the master of your mind. 

Awareness is a powerful tool that allows you to let go of your habitual patterns, defense mechanisms and self-sabotage.  When you are in the present moment you have the power to make creative decisions based on the new moment, no past or future.  

You are aware of how your brain is operating and not letting it pull you in different directions.  

The fear-based reactive patterns that have generated all the mental and emotional activity will melt when your awareness shines through.

Pay attention to the Energy Pyramid there are four layers.  It’s like a chain reaction.  First your physical body needs to feel rested, nourished and exercised.  That in turn makes you feel more optimistic, positive and in a good space to use your energy toward taking action.  

Your mind can then kick in and start producing the thoughts and actions that then produces your desired outcome.  Finally you can get in tune with what your higher self truly wants from you.  To produce work and creative projects that is in line with your true self.  Don’t waste energy doing work that doesn’t feed your soul.