Work With Me

Résumés / Cover Letters/ Bios
First impressions are important. Your résumé, cover letter and bio are often the first glimpse of you for others to get a feel for who you are.


Reinvention Planning
Are you switching careers or planning to reinvent yourself in the job market? Reinvention Planning can give you a guaranteed tangible result.


Self Discovery
Maybe you’re having a hard time figuring out what it (your inner essence) is. We will work through the blocks and issues that keep you stuck.



Especially in these days of COVID, many are out of work, questioning whether the work they were doing really made them happy.  It’s a a good time to recess and get a grasp on what it is that motivates, interests and most of all have fun doing.  You don’t need to go back to the setting where your heart and soul sinks every time to step into the office.

Many aging people feel they’ve outgrown their easier roles at they jobs.  It’s never too late to start enjoying the ways you best want to use your brain, body and creativity.

Specific, measurable, attainable time based, realistic, relevant…

Reinvention is about finding purpose and doing what makes you happy.

Build your own reinvention tool kit.