What I Offer

Résumés / Cover Letters/ Bios
First impressions are important. Your résumé, cover letter and bio are often the first glimpse of you for others to get a feel for who you are.


Reinvention Planning
Are you switching careers or planning to reinvent yourself in the job market? Reinvention Planning can give you a guaranteed tangible result.


Self Discovery
Maybe you’re having a hard time figuring out what it (your inner essence) is. We will work through the blocks and issues that keep you stuck.


About Terri Hardesty

I offer a combination of practical tools and counseling services to get you where you want to go, whether it be a new job, career, hobby, adventure or a creative project. I design custom resumes, cover letters, profiles, bios and use the latest psychological and behavioral strategies (M.A. in Counseling) to ensure you’re confident, motivated and focused.

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Terri Hardesty